Draw Date: May 17th, 2014

VVA 2014 Harley Davidson Heritage Softail

Raffle Benefits

The Mission Statement of The VVA: Our mission is to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with all veterans of the Vietnam War Era. We do this together by honoring and remembering our brothers and their service and sacrifice for our country.  

The VVA Founding Principal:   “Never again will one generation of veterans abandon another.” 

The Washington County Veterans Foundation is a Utah Non-profit corporation formed by the Members of the Vietnam Veterans of America, Southern Utah , Chapter 961, and the Associates of the Vietnam Veterans of America.

The mission of the Washington County Veterans Foundation “WCVF” is to provide a Veterans Meeting and Recreation Hall, for the use of all Veteran’s Organizations, and Veterans of Washington County Utah, regardless of affiliation, race, religion, or creed, and to provide aid, comfort, relief to Washington County Veterans in need.

To achieve the mission goals WCVF activities will be, but are not limited to the following,

(a) To act and operate exclusively as a nonprofit corporation pursuant to the laws of the State of Utah, and to act and operate as a charitable organization in lessening the burdens of government, by providing relief of the poor and distressed, or under-privileged, Soldier, Sailor, Marine, Airman, or Veteran, and their families, and promoting their social welfare of the greater community,

(b) To engage in any, and all activities and pursuits, and to support or assist such other organizations, as may be reasonably related to the foregoing and following purposes,

(c) To engage in any and all other lawful purposes, activities and pursuits, which are substantially similar to the foregoing and which are or may hereafter be authorized by Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and are consistent with those powers described in the Utah Nonprofit Corporation and Cooperation Association Act, as amended and supplemented.

Washington County Veterans Foundation 2014 - 2014 H.D. heritage Softail - bike

2014 Harley Davidson Heritage Softail

Washington County Veterans Foundation 2014 - 2014 H.D. heritage Softail - bike engine  Washington County Veterans Foundation 2014 - 2014 H.D. heritage Softail - bike.saddle bag

Washington County Veterans Foundation 2014 - 2014 H.D. heritage Softail - bike.Flyer

Washington County Veterans Foundation, Utah 2014 Harley-Davidson Drawing – Flyer -

Raffle Prize - 2014 Harley Davidson Heritage Softail

Drawing Grand Prize:  2014 Harley Davidson Heritage Softail .

Drawing at Zion Harley Davidson - 5/17/2014.

All proceeds will go to the Washington County Veterans Foundation.

Watch the website for updates: when Harley officially releases the 2014 model colors and more.

Raffle Tickets and Contact Information

Tickets for the 2014 Harley Davidson Heritage Softail are just 1 for $10, 3 for $25 or 5 for $40 and this raffle drawing is May 17th, 2014. For more information on Vietnam Veterans of America, to get contact information and to buy tickets please visit the...

Vietnam Veterans of America Website

For all questions concerning this event contact the organization at the link above.

Be sure to tell them you found their raffle on BikerRaffle.com! Thanks!

(This Raffle has been seen 8,311 times since August 17th, 2013)

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