Draw Date: June 8th, 2014

2014 ( SOLD OUT ) Harley-Davidson Road King FLHR

Raffle Benefits

It is the mission of the Down Syndrome Association of Minnesota to provide information, resources and support to individuals with Down syndrome, their families and their communities.

DSAM started a new support group for the men of the families as D.A.D.S. kicked off in March. By the end of 2012 a consistent location was found at the Park Tavern. We had a spring full of conferences. On April 14th we ran our 15th Annual Youth & Adult Conference at the same time and place as our 2nd Adult Matters Conference. Attendees of both conferences liked this arrangement. Our 10th Regional Conference, with the theme “By the Numbers” was held on May 5th to rave reviews and our 9th Annual Grandparent Half Day Conference was held on May 12th and was very well attended.

In August we kicked off a new event, Lose the Training Wheels Bike Camp camp to town. It was held at Hamline University and all who attended felt it was a fabulous success and will become an annual event! Also in August we had 6th Annual Joey Hebert Golf Classic which raised $83,000, Including a literal jumbo check for $20,000 raised by a small group of Cargill friends of the Heberts! Shifting Gears is growing and raised almost $3000 and the Eli Matthew Lauermann Motorcycle and Classic Car Run made over $1500!

The premier event of the year, the Step Up for Down Syndrome Walk: 15th for St Paul, 10th for Duluth, was attended by over 8000 people and raised about $225,000!! On October 23rd the Educator Conference covered the growing field of iPad apps and also brought back by popular demand Wendy Selnes for her presentation on behavior modification. A half day mini EdCon was brought to Duluth for a repeat of Lisa Juliar’s iPad presentation on November 10th.

Down Syndrome of Minnesota 6-08-2014 Drawing - 2014 Harley Road King FLHR - right side

Black 2014 Road King FLHR

Down Syndrome of Minnesota 6-08-2014 Drawing - 2014 Harley Road King FLHR - info banner

Down Syndrome of Minnesota Annual Picnic & Harley Raffle Notice

Down Syndrome of Minnesota 6-08-2014 Drawing - 2014 Harley Road King FLHR - flyer

Down Syndrome of Minnesota 2014 Ticket Order Form

Raffle Prize - 2014 Harley-Davidson Road King FLHR

Black 2014 Road King FLHR with cruise control

( * ) " ONLY 100 TICKETS SOLD "  -  great odds  -

(**)  ONLY - 15 - TICKETS REMAIN out of the original 100

(**) We have officially SOLD OUT.   No more tickets available this year.
 If you give The Down Syndrome Association of Minnesota your contact information, we will add it to our list for next year.  We will notify you when tickets go on sale in January 2015

Raffle Tickets and Contact Information

Tickets for the 2014 Harley-Davidson Road King FLHR are just 1 for $300 and only 100 tickets offered and this raffle drawing is June 8th, 2014. For more information on Down Syndrome Association of Minnesota, to get contact information and to buy tickets please visit the...

Down Syndrome Association of Minnesota Website

For all questions concerning this event contact the organization at the link above.

Be sure to tell them you found their raffle on BikerRaffle.com! Thanks!

(This Raffle has been seen 5,447 times since January 15th, 2014)

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