Draw Date: October 15th, 2016

2016 Harley’s to Choose From

Raffle Benefits

BADD (Bikers Against Drunk Drivers), Ormond Beach, FL.

To reduce the incidence of drunk driving and its consequences through promotion and awareness to the mainstream in malls, major events, annual tours and the media.

B.A.D.D. is a 31-year-old community organization.

BADD is a non- profit 501(c) (3) organization Florida state # CH18378 and Canada registration # 890679343RR0001

BADD 8-27, 10-15, 1-07-2016 raffle - 2016 Harley-Davidson Low Rider, Fatbob, Fatboy, Softail or  Switchback - Three choice

BADD 8-27, 10-15, 1-07-2016 raffle - 2016 Harley- Low Rider, Fatbob, Fatboy, Softail or  Switchback -

BADD 8-27, 10-15, 1-07-2016 raffle - 2016 Harley-Davidson Low Rider, Fatbob, Fatboy, Softail or  Switchback - Three choice   other #2

Raffle Prize - 2016 Harley's to Choose From

Prize options for other drawings:

2016 Harley-Davidson Low Rider
2016 Harley-Davidson Fatbob
2016 Harley-Davidson Fatboy
2016 Harley-Davidson Heritage Softail
2016 Harley-Davidson Softail Deluxe
2016 Harley Davidson Switchback

See 3/18/2017 Harley raffle on www.bikerraffle.com.

Raffle Tickets and Contact Information

Tickets for the 2016 Harley's to Choose From are just 1... for $20, 3... for $16.67 ea, 10... for $10 ea, 41... for $8 ea,........... and this raffle drawing is October 15th, 2016. For more information on BADD (Bikers Against Drunk Drivers), to get contact information and to buy tickets please visit the...

BADD (Bikers Against Drunk Drivers) Website

For all questions concerning this event contact the organization at the link above.

Be sure to tell them you found their raffle on BikerRaffle.com! Thanks!

(This Raffle has been seen 2,184 times since July 29th, 2016)

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