Draw Date: August 27th, 2011

Harley Wide Glide, 4 Wheeler or Cash

Raffle Benefits

Liberty Fire Company of New Berlinville, Pennsylvania was chartered in 1925. They are an independent, non-profit, volunteer organization dedicated to community service through fire protection.

Ordinance 8-93 enacted by the Commissioners of Colebrookdale Township on November 1st 1983 names The Liberty Fire Company of New Berlinville as the officially recognized fire company for the Township. However The Boyertown Fire Department is the first due for providing fire protection services to the southwestern end of the Township due to their close proximity to the area. We also provide mutual aid to neighboring communities.

Our engine room is located at 962 North Reading Ave. (across from the Pit Stop) and houses our 1989 Pierce Lance Pumper, 2003 Ferarra Pumper, 1983 Brush Jeep, 1996 Nissan UD Squad, 1991 New Lexington 3,000 gal tanker, our 1989 Dodge Ram traffic unit and our 1958 Ward La France Pumper (now retired).

We currently have 50 active volunteers that make up our engine crew. We have an Explorer program for teenagers between the ages of 14 and 21 and a junior program for young adults between the ages of 16 and 21. Volunteers are always needed and appreciated.

2011 Harley Davidson Wide Glide

Raffle Prize - 2011 Wide Glide and 2011 Kawasaki 4X4

1st prize is a 2011 H-D Wide Glide or $10,000 cash. 2nd prize is a 2011 Kawasaki 360 Prairie 4x4. The  3rd and 4th prizes are $250. 5th thru 9th prizes are $100. 10th thru 19th prizes are $50.


2011 Kawasaki 360 Prairie 4x4


Raffle Tickets and Contact Information

Tickets for the 2011 Wide Glide and 2011 Kawasaki 4X4 are just $20 each, only 2,500 ticket are for sale and this raffle drawing is August 27th, 2011. For more information on Liberty Fire Company, to get contact information and to buy tickets please visit the...

Liberty Fire Company Website

...or check out their Facebook Page.

For all questions concerning this event contact the organization at the link above.

Be sure to tell them you found their raffle on BikerRaffle.com! Thanks!

(This Raffle has been seen 9,171 times since April 27th, 2011)

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